Thursday 21 June 2012

What is Numerology

What is Numerology

Numerology has perhaps been around since humans first learned to count. Special significance attached to numbers or their position in a sequence can be found in most belief systems.

The study of numerology allies the significance of numbers to the alphabet. This makes it possible to analyze names to find their numeric significance. There are two widely used systems. The Chaldean and the Pythagorean systems of numerology.

Numerology is, in essence, a key to the inner self. A way to learn your characteristics or traits by analysing your date of birth and given name at birth. Just as easily you could discover knowledge of other peoples traits by using their details. Although this is an ancient science it is used more widely than we tend to believe. Anyone that asks for our date of birth is potentially using this information to profile us.

There’s good and bad vibrations with all numbers, it’s up to you how you use the information from the readings to produce the desired outcome. You should use the information to see yourself from the outside in, be aware of your negative points and bring about a change in your thinking to alter your reality and better yourself as a person. If you address your negative points you will become more positive, and in turn give out a positive vibration.

If you’re honest with yourself you should not really be shocked at what you find, but you may be surprised at the accuracy of the readings. This being said, there is no guaranteed formula to read the past or the future 100% accurately whether it be by numerology or astrology or any other calculation method because we encounter so many variables throughout the course of our lives. The final decision to act on the information lies with the user of the information. You can not change anyone’s reality other than your own, it is up to each individual to make the decision to change or remain the same.

The Pythagorean system is probably the most popular system used in the west. Another system, that pre dates this and is/was used in the east, is known as the Chaldean system, (Babylonian).

The Indians, Mayans, Incas, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Hebrews, Egyptians, Phoenicians, and it is said the early Christians all employed number systems to gain a deeper self learning of themselves and the universe.

It is said that the adepts in this science can gain knowledge of the past, present and future. This being said, astrology is better known for detailed and accurate predictions for the future.

Don't fall into the trap of learning this ancient science for material wealth as the universe is far more concerned with spiritual wealth, and not material wealth. You should use this knowledge to gain inner knowledge of yourself, increase your spiritual wealth and enrich the lives of others.

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