Thursday 21 June 2012



While 7 is considered lucky by the majority, 13 is considered unlucky. Christians consider 666 to be the number of the Devil. In Islam 786 is taken as a godly number that brings luck. If we add 786 to 666, they add up to 1452; when we add 1+4+5+2 we get 12 and 1+2=3. When we subtract 666 from 786, they come to 120, when we add 1+2, the answer is 3. In a nutshell: whether we add or subtract the devil's number to God's number, we end up with 3. The number 3 belongs to the planet Jupiter and stands for all matters related to spirituality. If we go little deeper both positive and negative draw energies from the supreme consciousness to spread good or evil in the world.

The following data found on the world wide web gives us examples of how planets and numbers control our lives.

On 9/11/2001, the day was 11 (1+1=2) and the total of the day's number was 14: 9-11-2001 (9+1+1+2+1=14). When 1 and 4 are added, the answer is 5. As you can see, the number 2 (Moon) and 5 (Mercury) played a major role in the events of September 11.

Here is some other data to check:

September 11 is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4=11. The Twin Towers, standing side by side, look like the number 11. The first plane to hit the Towers was Flight 11. New York was the 11th state added to the Union. There are 11 letters in "New York City" "Afghanistan" "The Pentagon" and "Ramzi Yousef" (who was convicted for orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993). Flight 11 (1+1=2) had 92 passengers on board (9+2=11). Flight 77 (7+7=14 and 1+4=5) had 65 passengers on board (6+5=11).

When America dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, killing millions of people, the bomber used was a B-29 (B=2 and when we add 2+2+9=13 and 1+3=4; 4 belongs to Rahu and stands for cruelty). The day was August 8, 1945, when we add (8+8+1+9+4+5=35 which adds to 8) now 8 stands for the planet Saturn which is the planet of Death and also a teacher. Conclusion: Death by cruelty. It is no surprise that Rahu and Ketu (karmic planets in Vedic astrology) were in the same position (Gemini and Saggitarius) as they were on September 11, 2001.

Please allow me to pull the rug from under your logical mindset by making you aware of these harsh karmic mathematics:

America drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945 that killed millions of innocent civilians.

America is attacked in 2001.

Subtracting 1945 from 2001 gives us 56. When we add 5+6 the answer is 11. 1+1=2.

Though destroying the Taliban and attempting to kill Bin Laden appears to be good karma, dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and killing innocent civilians was bad karma. Karma is a higher mathematics. The universal databank keeps track of the karmic balance of every life form in the cosmos. Vedic astrology, phrenology, palmistry, numerology and all other occult sciences are the tools to decode and understand this higher mathematics.

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